Archive for April, 2005

April 28, 2005

My Paul McCartney Ticket Fiasco:
1.  I got outbid for my first ticket choice.

2.  I bought 2 tickets for $285 dollars yesterday on ebay thinking I could keep one and sell the other.  Turned out I didn’t read the fine print of another 285 DOLLAR SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEE.  This is called getting cyber-F-ed.  After much worry, emails, and prayer, i got the seller to agree to void the sale.

3.  I finally bought two tickets on ebay for $312 (this is a early Christmas/grad present by the way, I don’t have that kind of money) for the Wednesday show on October 18th dead-center in the 200s, so not up in the nose-bleeds, but not on the floor either.  I’m content.  Oh, if anyone wants to buy a Paul McCartney ticket for $156 and sit next to me (which is worth the money in and of itself), let me know.  It’s history in the making!

April 27, 2005

Eight minutes left on my Paul McCartney tickets ebay bid….getting a little nervous

April 23, 2005

Well, went out to eat at Maggiano’s yesterday, still haven’t felt hungry since…saw Ecuador people, fun times…Got observed teaching yesterday, passed…yeah….My grandma is getting married today…that’s right, I’m going to have a new grandpa…combined age=173 years old.  My seventh grade teacher is now my cousin…

April 15, 2005

Things I am not looking forward to:

1.  Saturday Class

2.  Singing tomorrow with a gross cold 

3.  Blowing my nose…how can there be so much snot?

Things I am looking forward to/excited about (see I’m not a pure pessimist):

1.  Being fifth on the two-person apartment list

2.  having only two more weeks of school left

3.  friends from Ecuador visiting next week


April 12, 2005

Just finished my lesson plan for next wednesday including signing petitions and writing letters to congressmen in regards to Africa.  Does this cross some Educational ethical line?

April 11, 2005

I know summer is coming because the ice cream truck that plays a mixture between “Do your ears hang low” and “Stand up and shout it if you love my Jesus” is back on the prowl around Carmen.  Four more weeks…

April 7, 2005

Ever been writing a paper and wondered, “Why the F am I writing this??”  Welcome to my world…

April 2, 2005

Saturday class, yes!  (Sarcasm intended)

Finished my Rwanda paper…it reinforces my dislike for France, the United Nations, Bill Clinton, Kofi Annan, and many, many others…and we’re letting it happen again in Sudan, North Korea, Saudia Arabia, Iran (also building nuclear weapons)…Wow, I’m Debbie Downer…on a brighter note, my paper’s done!