My Paul McCartney Ticket Fiasco:
1.  I got outbid for my first ticket choice.

2.  I bought 2 tickets for $285 dollars yesterday on ebay thinking I could keep one and sell the other.  Turned out I didn’t read the fine print of another 285 DOLLAR SHIPPING AND HANDLING FEE.  This is called getting cyber-F-ed.  After much worry, emails, and prayer, i got the seller to agree to void the sale.

3.  I finally bought two tickets on ebay for $312 (this is a early Christmas/grad present by the way, I don’t have that kind of money) for the Wednesday show on October 18th dead-center in the 200s, so not up in the nose-bleeds, but not on the floor either.  I’m content.  Oh, if anyone wants to buy a Paul McCartney ticket for $156 and sit next to me (which is worth the money in and of itself), let me know.  It’s history in the making!

5 Responses to “”

  1. talkative_girlie Says:

    my jaw seriously dropped when i read the shipping price. it sucks to learn the hard way when you don’t read the fine print.
    ebay just sucks sometimes

  2. setter41 Says:

    Cyber-F-ed. Maybe my new favorite word.

  3. T_Freaking_Face Says:

    Sucker, you are all suckers.

  4. T_Freaking_Face Says:

    Sucker, you are all suckers.

  5. complicationsplease Says:

    haha…your xanga is funny.  maybe michael johnson would want to go with you since hes all about history.  I bet he would tell you lots of secrets!  see you in class tomorrow

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